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Dazzel N.F. is your one-stop solution for battling external parasites in pigs, sheep, goats, and rabbits. This versatile emulsifiable concentrate eliminates irritating pests and safeguards your animals from harmful infections.
For sheep: Dazzel N.F. acts as a powerful shield against blowfly strike, itch mites, ticks, and maggots. It eradicates blowfly maggots, lice, sheep keds, and scab mites, preventing dangerous maggot-related infections.
For goats: It effectively controls ticks and eliminates lice and mange mites, keeping your goats comfortable and healthy.
For pigs: The spray treatment tackles lice and mange mites, ensuring their well-being and preventing skin issues.
For rabbits: Dazzel N.F. effectively eliminates pesky mange mites, keeping your furry friends itch-free and comfortable.
1. Mixing:
-> Shake the container well.
-> Measure the required amount of Dazzel N.F. concentrate (refer to label for specific dosage).
-> Slowly add the concentrate to double the amount of water, stirring continuously until a white emulsion forms.
-> Add the mixture to the remaining water and mix well
2. Application (Patch Treatment):
-> Place the sheep in a sitting position.
->Pour or spray the mixture onto the crutch area, starting at the hocks and around the tail.
->Part the wool and ensure the mixture reaches the skin. Use at least 0.5 liters per crutch.
->Jet spray along the back, starting at the withers and working towards the tail.
-> Saturate the wool to the skin. Use 0.5-1 liter per sheep depending on wool length.
->Saturate the wool around the horns to protect against strike.
3. Timing:
-> Apply in August or at the start of warm weather, and again 6 weeks after shearing.
->Lambs: Apply 6 weeks after birth, and possibly again.
-> Ensure at least 6 weeks of wool growth (3-5 cm) for effective protection.
-> Saturate the affected area with the same mix (1:150) or blowfly powder, reaching all maggots. This ensures fast killing and healing.
Dipping Sheep, Goats, and Angora Goats:
-> Replenish the dipwash continuously or before 25% is used (refer to label for specific methods).
-> Choose the right concentration and dipping schedule based on the target pest (e.g., sheep scab requires two dips under supervision).
-> Prevent post-dipping issues by adding zinc sulphate to the dipwash.
Spraying or Dipping Pigs:
-> Mix 1 liter Dazzel N.F. with 600 liters water.
-> Use a pressure sprayer to wet the animals thoroughly.
-> Spray or dip twice, 8-10 days apart. Replenish the dipwash as needed.
Dipping Rabbits:
-> Dilute 1 liter Dazzel N.F. with 600 liters water (or 10 ml in 6 liters).
-> Immerse rabbits one by one, replenishing as needed. Repeat after 8-10 days in fresh dipwash.
Active Ingredients: Diazinon
Application: Topical
Species: Pigs/Sheep/Goats
Product Type: Dips/Sprays
Manufacturer: Bayer
Brand: Bayer
It's a good treatment and I'll buy it again
It's damn good
I got the product on time and in good conditon
Worked better than I expected
The package was delivered on time with the product in good condition
A: Dazzle N.F. is suitable for Sheep, Goats, Pigs and Rabbits.
A: Please consult with a veterinarian.