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The A to Z of Pet Dental Care: Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Healthy

  Mar 21, 2025

Pet Dental Care

Your furry friends look adorable when they smile, flashing their bright, shining teeth. But, their radiant smile can get dull without your attempts to maintain their oral health. Pet dental health is a much less acknowledged problem and can compromise your pet’s overall well-being in more ways than you think. So, what are various dental issues in pets and how can you provide adequate dental care to your pet?

Let’s find out.

Read on to learn about the importance of pet dental care, various pet dental problems, signs of dental issues in pets and tips to take care of your pet’s dental health.

Why pet dental care is essential?

Your pet’s health care in a way starts with their oral care. Neglected dental care exposes your pet to various diseases including periodontal disease, which affects over 70% of cats and 80% of dogs by the time they reach the age of three. When left untreated, periodontal disease can spread bacteria to various parts of their body through the bloodstream, impacting their vital organs and endangering their life as a result. Pet dental care is thus a first and important step in keeping your pet healthy.

Common dental problems in pets

Pets suffer from various dental problems. The most common ones include:

  • Periodontal disease: It is the inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth and the gum. When spread further into the teeth, it destroys the bone and causes falling out of the tooth.
  • Gingivitis: It is the primary stage of periodontal disease. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums caused by bacterial infection (the result of plaque build-up). The inflammation results in bleeding and swelling of the gums.
  • Halitosis: Commonly caused due to periodontal disease. Plaque and tartar build-up can lead to gingivitis causing food particles and debris to get stuck between the gumline, contributing to the development of Halitosis.
  • Salivary cysts: It is the swelling around the neck or near the jaw are due to fluid accumulation. It is painless but the accumulated mass can cause various infections.

Signs of dental issues in pets


If your pet is displaying one or more of the following symptoms, it is time you take them to the vet and get them checked for any underlying dental problems:

  • Persistent bad breath
  • Discoloured, broken or loose teeth
  • Yellow or brown tartar build-up
  • Red, swollen or bleeding gums
  • Nasal discharge
  • Swelling around the mouth
  • Excessive drooling
  • Difficulty eating or chewing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pawing at the mouth

Tips to take care of pets’ dental health

Here are useful tips to provide adequate dental care to your pet:

  • Brush your pet’s teeth regularly
    Make a habit brushing your pet’s teeth daily or two to three times a week. Start early so that your pet gets comfortable with the process from their puppyhood/kittenhood. Do not use a human toothbrush on the pet’s teeth as it can damage their teeth. There are a variety of pet toothbrushes available that are gentle on your fur friend’s teeth. Some of the most popular pet toothbrushes include: 
    Pet Dent Finger Brush Pet Dent Toothbrush
    A convenient-to-use finger-fitting toothbrush that is gentle on the teeth and flexible to help in complete teeth cleaning. Double-ended and long-handled, soft-bristled toothbrush for pets. It is easy to hold and helps reach the far back of the pet’s mouth for a thorough cleaning.
  • Use pet toothpaste
    Use pet toothpaste for cleaning your pet’s teeth that are lick-safe and offer an acceptable taste while slowing down plaque accumulation and keeping the mouth bacteria-free. Do not use human-grade toothpaste as they contain a high amount of fluoride and artificial sweeteners that can be harmful to pets. You can also use oral gels like Pet Dent Oral Gel that can be used with a toothbrush or applied by finger when brushing is not feasible.

  • Use an oral rinse
    Oral rinses are a good option for pets that are not comfortable with brushing. It can also be used along with brushing for complete oral care. There are a variety of pet oral rinses available. Some of the vet-trusted ones include:
    Pet Dent Oral Rinse Orovet Oral Rinse
    It helps reduce plaque formation and freshen breath. It fights against bacteria, fungi, and yeasts and inhibits plaque formation. This is ideal to promote healing after oral surgery.
  • Include dental treats in the diet
    The crunchy bite, stick, and chew-shaped dental treats promote chewing. These specially designed treats help fight bacteria and reduce plaque formation. Regular consumption of dental treats helps maintain dental health in pets.

  • Provide chew toys
    Chew toys serve a dual purpose. They encourage chewing, prevent plaque and tartar accumulation and keep your energetic pet entertained and busy at the same time. It is a good idea to provide a bunch of chew toys to your pet and maintain their dental health.

  • Schedule regular vet checkups
    An at-home tooth cleaning routine is of great help, no doubt. But, your pet may still develop oral conditions that are not easily identifiable. Regular vet checkups are, therefore, important to diagnose health conditions, if any, and provide timely treatment to your pet.

To conclude

Pet dental care is of utmost importance for their overall well-being. With the knowledge of different dental conditions and identifying their symptoms, timely treatment can be provided. Follow the above-mentioned tips to provide regular dental care to your pet. Visit our online store to get quality pet dental care products at great prices.

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