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Ecovet Eco-Bladder Liquid for Pets (50ml)

4.5/ 5
Reviews: 2
Est. Delivery: 2-5 Working Days
Brand: Eco-Vet
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Eco-Vet Eco-Bladder Liquid

Eco-Vet Eco-Bladder is an oral homoeopathic remedy for assisting pets with bladder and urogenital problems. It is an all-purpose anti-inflammatory used to treat and manage your pet's painful urinary discomfort and problems. It has been designed in a liquid composition that is simple to use, easy to understand, and effective in controlling chronic/recurrent cystitis, bloody urination, and unwanted vaginal discharge and urine leakage conditions. This natural homeopathic remedy assures many more adventures and tail-wagging fun days for you and your furry four-legged friends.

  • Since it is made with 20% ethanol, it should be diluted before being administered to your pet.
  • Although water is the ideal delivery method, you can use milk if your pet cannot tolerate water. As a last option, you can offer as a reward on a small treat, but doing so could hinder the product's effectiveness.
  • When you can give the product to your pet directly through the mouth, dilute it with clean water and let it stand for a while to let the alcohol vaporise.
  • Using a clean, dry plastic spoon or syringe, you can then provide the advised dose of the diluted product directly into the patient's mouth.
  • Alternately, before feeding the product to your pet, add the required amount to the animal's drinking water, stir with a plastic spoon, and let stand for a few minutes to let any alcohol vaporise.
  • At least once each day, or anytime the water becomes contaminated or unclean, fresh drinking water should be prepared.

Recommended Doses:

Species Directions for use
KITTENS, PUPPIES & SMALL MAMMALS (hamsters, rabbits, mice, etc.) Add 5 drops of ECO- BLADDER to 5 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer 0.25 ml of the diluted mixture directly into the mouth. Alternatively, add 10 drops per 100 ml drinking water.
CATS & SMALL DOGS ( < 8 kg) Add 10 drops of ECO- BLADDER to 5 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer 0.5 – 1.0 ml of the diluted mixture directly into the mouth. Alternatively, add 10 drops per 100 ml drinking water.
MEDIUM DOGS (8- 15 kg) Add 10 drops of ECO- BLADDER to 2 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer the diluted mixture directly into the mouth.
LARGE DOGS ( > 15 kg) Add 20 drops of ECO- BLADDER to 2 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer the diluted mixture directly into the mouth.
FOALS, PONIES, & LAMBS Add 60 drops (3 ml) of ECO- BLADDER to 3 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer the diluted mixture directly into the mouth.
HORSES Add 100 drops (5 ml) of ECO- BLADDER to 5 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer the diluted mixture directly into the mouth.
  • Oral homeopathic remedy for bladder and urogenital problems
  • General anti-inflammatory natural remedy for minor problems
  • Treats and controls painful urinary discomfort and problems
  • Effective in controlling chronic/recurrent cystitis, bloody urination, and leucorrhoea
  • Helps to ease bladder weakness or bladder irritation
  • Controls frequent urination of bloody or discoloured urine
  • Simple to use and easy to understand formulation
  • If symptoms are severe or last longer than three days without getting better, please contact your veterinarian.
  • There are no known side effects. Please call your veterinarian if your pet's health begins to deteriorate.
  • Store at or below 25⁰C protected from direct sunlight.
  • Keep out of reach of children and animals.
Ingredients Acidum benzoicum 12X, Berberis vulgaris 8X, Cantharis vesicatoria 8X, Capsella bursa-pastoris 8X, Causticum 30CH, Chimaphila umbellate 12X, Eupatorium purpureum 12X, Gelsemium sempervirens 30CH, Sabal serrulata 6X, Solidago virgaurea 8X, 20% Ethanol.
Administration Oral
Product Type Homeopathic Supplement and Treatment
Brand Eco-Vet
Product Reviews
Reviews: 2
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Ecovet Eco - Bladder Liquid
Ecovet Eco - Bladder Liquid

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Bladder Remedy
Jun 14, 2023

This liquid combination is helpful in relieving painful urinary discomfort and problems.

Safe and effective solution.
Apr 30, 2023

I've been using Eco-Vet Eco-Bladder for my pet's bladder issues and have seen great improvement. It's all-natural and easy to administer.

Have A Question?
Q: Does it treat a male cat - 5 years - UTI as well

A: ECO-BLADDER is an oral homeopathic medicine that assists in the treatment of bladder and urogenital problems in animals. ECO-BLADDER specifically assists in the treatment of Chronic and recurrent cystitis or bladder infections. Frequent urination of bloody or discolored urine.

By, on Feb 23, 2024
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