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Ecovet Eco-Anaemia Liquid for Pets (50ml)

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Brand: Eco-Vet
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Eco-Vet Eco-Anaemia Liquid

Eco-Vet Eco-Anaemia is an adjuvant in the treatment of all forms of pre-diagnosed anaemia in pets and is an oral homoeopathic remedy for pet's vascular system & blood circulation enhancement. The successful completion of treatment for illnesses like anorexia, chronic kidney failure, and babesiosis can also be aided by this potent formula. Additionally, Eco-Anaemia has been shown to be helpful as a biliary tonic (often known as "tickbite fever"), heart tonic, and blood restoration following surgery or haemorrhage. It is an ideal solution for your pet that may need a little boost and assistance in regeneration and replacement of damaged red blood cells.

  • Since it is made with 20% ethanol, it should be diluted before being administered to your pet.
  • Although water is the ideal delivery method, you can use milk if your pet cannot tolerate water. As a last option, you can offer as a reward on a small treat, but doing so could hinder the product's effectiveness.
  • When you can give the product to your pet directly through the mouth, dilute it with clean water and let it stand for a while to let the alcohol vaporise.
  • Using a clean, dry plastic spoon or syringe, you can then provide the advised dose of the diluted product directly into the patient's mouth.
  • Alternately, before feeding the product to your pet, add the required amount to the animal's drinking water, stir with a plastic spoon, and let stand for a few minutes to let any alcohol vaporise.
  • At least once each day, or anytime the water becomes contaminated or unclean, fresh drinking water should be prepared.

Recommended Doses:

Species Directions for use
SMALL BIRDS (parrots, racing pigeons) Add 1 drop of ECO-ANAEMIA per 20 ml drinking water. A few drops of the drinking water can be administered directly into the mouth.
MEDIUM BIRDS (chickens, geese, ducks) Add 2 drops of ECO- ANAEMIA per 20 ml drinking water. A few drops of the drinking water can be administered directly into the mouth.
LARGE BIRDS (Ostriches) Add 4 drops of ECO- ANAEMIA per 20 ml drinking water. A few drops of the drinking water can be administered directly into the mouth.
KITTENS, PUPPIES & SMALL MAMMALS (hamsters, rabbits, mice, etc.) Add 5 drops of ECO- ANAEMIA to 5 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer 0.25 ml of the diluted mixture directly into the mouth. Alternatively, add 10 drops per 100 ml drinking water.
CATS & SMALL DOGS ( < 8 kg) Add 10 drops of ECO- ANAEMIA to 5 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer 0.5 – 1.0 ml of the diluted mixture directly into the mouth. Alternatively, add 10 drops per 100 ml drinking water.
MEDIUM DOGS (8- 15 kg) Add 10 drops of ECO- ANAEMIA to 2 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer the diluted mixture directly into the mouth.
LARGE DOGS ( > 15 kg) Add 20 drops of ECO- ANAEMIA to 2 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer the diluted mixture directly into the mouth.
FOALS, PONIES, & LAMBS Add 60 drops (3 ml) of ECO- ANAEMIA to 3 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer the diluted mixture directly into the mouth.
HORSES Add 100 drops (5 ml) of ECO- ANAEMIA to 5 ml clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes. Administer the diluted mixture directly into the mouth.
  • Homeopathic herbal remedy for pet’s vascular system and blood circulation enhancement
  • Beneficial tonic for heart health, biliary recovery, and blood restoration
  • Aids in the treatment for all forms of pre-diagnosed anaemia
  • Help in the completion of treatment for conditions like anorexia, chronic kidney failure, and babesiosis
  • Ideal for assisting pets in regeneration and replacement of damaged red blood cells
  • Simple to use, easy to understand and effective
  • If symptoms are severe or last longer than three days without getting better, please contact your veterinarian.
  • There are no known side effects. Please call your veterinarian if your pet's health begins to deteriorate.
  • Store at or below 25⁰C protected from direct sunlight.
  • Keep out of reach of children and animals.
Ingredients Baptisia tinctoria 8X, Crotalus horridus 12X, Cuprum metallicum 30CH, Ferrum arsenicosum 12X, Ferrum metallicum 12X, Lycopodium clavatum 30CH, Mercurius solubilis 12X, Phosphorus 30CH, Plumbum metallicum 12X, Trinitrotoluenum 12X, 20% Ethanol.
Administration Oral
Product Type Homeopathic Supplement and Treatment
Brand Eco-Vet
Product Reviews
Reviews: 1
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Ecovet Eco - Anaemia Liquid
Ecovet Eco - Anaemia Liquid

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For New RBC
Jun 15, 2023

An ideal solution for regeneration and replacement of damaged red blood cells.

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